The Purpose of the Blog

In California, we are in the middle of a drought. Our water uses are too much for the minimal rain and snowfalls over the past four years. The snowpack is our main water supply and has been below average for four consecutive years. If we keep using the amount of water we are using now, we will completely run out. We are currently using our groundwater, kind of like our backup storage.

To tell the truth, farms are using up most of our water supply, and by raising so much livestock, we waste water, land and we pollute the earth. Cows create methane, which is a greenhouse gas. Animal agriculture is responsible for ⅕ of the gas emissions worldwide. This is a problem that we need to fix.

In science class, we have been learning about water around the world, and how hard it is for people in many places to access clean water, which leads to health problems. Also, many girls around the world are responsible for getting water for their families, which often means walking for hours each day, and missing out on opportunities for education. We are doing a fundraiser for, an organization that helps people around the world access clean water. This is why we are writing this blog: To educate the public about water, in California and around the world!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Beef is Bad
By Garfield :D
If you think watering your lawn and taking a shower is bad for the environment, look at beef. it takes 1,000 gallons to make 8 oz of beef.8 OZ, PEOPLE!!! If you are a vegetarian like me, good for you!!! If not…...I hope this paragraph changes your mind.
Producing red meat wastes A LOT of water. First of all, you have to water the grass that the cow eats. Then you also have to give the cow water to drink. AFTER THAT, you have to slaughter it, and you use a couple more hundreds of gallons to clean it up. EVEN AFTER THAT, you have to use about 340 gallons of water to get it processed. That takes about 1,000 gallons of water to make 8 oz of steak. If I did not know better, I would think their bosses said:

  1. Use 100 gallons of water
  2. Use 200 gallons of water
  3. Use 400 gallons of water
  4. Use 200 gallons of water
  5. Yaaaaaay!we just wasted 1,000 gallons of water just for the heck of it!!

Imagine a swimming pool say……………….10 feet deep,  12 feet long, 11 feet wide. Then someone goes and dumps it all out. Why, you ask? For one hamburger patty. not five, not four, not three, not two, one! ONE!! ONE!!!
File:Swimming Pool T.S.
You need more cows for more beef, right? Well...cows….well they…...pass gas. And cow gas releases methane, a gas that is adding to global warming. if we release too much methane into our atmosphere, we will be just like Mars. Dry, blank, dead. If we stop eating beef, the farmers will say “Oh, no one is eating our products, we shouldn’t have so many cows.” This proves we can make a difference, but it will have to be a real team effort.

In conclusion, we should not eat beef, as you have read, and cows (and their gas) are bad for civilization.

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