The Purpose of the Blog

In California, we are in the middle of a drought. Our water uses are too much for the minimal rain and snowfalls over the past four years. The snowpack is our main water supply and has been below average for four consecutive years. If we keep using the amount of water we are using now, we will completely run out. We are currently using our groundwater, kind of like our backup storage.

To tell the truth, farms are using up most of our water supply, and by raising so much livestock, we waste water, land and we pollute the earth. Cows create methane, which is a greenhouse gas. Animal agriculture is responsible for ⅕ of the gas emissions worldwide. This is a problem that we need to fix.

In science class, we have been learning about water around the world, and how hard it is for people in many places to access clean water, which leads to health problems. Also, many girls around the world are responsible for getting water for their families, which often means walking for hours each day, and missing out on opportunities for education. We are doing a fundraiser for, an organization that helps people around the world access clean water. This is why we are writing this blog: To educate the public about water, in California and around the world!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Save Water
By Anonymous Narwhal
    1.Water is…
a. An unlimited resource, I can use as much as possible.
b. Something not everybody has, I should conserve it.
c. A fun thing to throw large quantities of it on the ground.
d. What’s water?

       The correct answer depends on your opinion. However, if you answered d, I would suggest you see a doctor. The nicest, most reasonable answer would be b (If you answered a or c, I really hope this essay will change your mind). Every day, you probably use dozens and dozens and DOZENS of gallons of water. Currently, the state I live in is in a drought, and large companies and farming industries are trading millions of gallons of water for money. Come on people, it’s pieces of PAPER. Anyway, read on.
       When was the last time you had beef? Because that steak/hamburger/hot dog used up around 1,000 gallons of water. Just one cheeseburger is worth enough water to fill up a small swimming pool. And that’s only beef we’re talking about here. I haven’t mentioned any of the other foods, which we haven’t talked about much in class because everyone’s focused on the biggest water waster, the cows.
       It’s not just eating food that pours that water down the drain. Using your everyday bathroom appliances, like a toilet, can be a big water waster too.Flushing a toilet can require larger amounts of water than you think it takes to get rid of yesterday’s dinner. Taking a bath uses 40 gallons of water! Even brushing your teeth can result in wasting water if you brush your teeth for 2 minutes and forget to turn off the tap while you’re brushing.
       Some people say: “Well, how is conserving MY water going to affect anything?” My response: “Water isn’t infinite. We have a limited supply. Conserving your water can leave water for your descendants. Imagine YOU had very rare access to clean water because your ancestors had two hour long showers and stuff like that(Gee, thanks, Grandma!).Also, it could cut your water bill pretty largely.
      In conclusion, every day you may use hundreds of gallons of water while others in the world do not have access to that privilege. You can help by:
                a.eating less beef
                b.go to and start a fundraiser
                c.take shorter showers and less baths
               d.flush the toilet less
I know that last one sounds a bit gross, but my solution is just not to look in your toilet in the first place.

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