The Purpose of the Blog

In California, we are in the middle of a drought. Our water uses are too much for the minimal rain and snowfalls over the past four years. The snowpack is our main water supply and has been below average for four consecutive years. If we keep using the amount of water we are using now, we will completely run out. We are currently using our groundwater, kind of like our backup storage.

To tell the truth, farms are using up most of our water supply, and by raising so much livestock, we waste water, land and we pollute the earth. Cows create methane, which is a greenhouse gas. Animal agriculture is responsible for ⅕ of the gas emissions worldwide. This is a problem that we need to fix.

In science class, we have been learning about water around the world, and how hard it is for people in many places to access clean water, which leads to health problems. Also, many girls around the world are responsible for getting water for their families, which often means walking for hours each day, and missing out on opportunities for education. We are doing a fundraiser for, an organization that helps people around the world access clean water. This is why we are writing this blog: To educate the public about water, in California and around the world!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Save Water
By Anonymous Narwhal
    1.Water is…
a. An unlimited resource, I can use as much as possible.
b. Something not everybody has, I should conserve it.
c. A fun thing to throw large quantities of it on the ground.
d. What’s water?

       The correct answer depends on your opinion. However, if you answered d, I would suggest you see a doctor. The nicest, most reasonable answer would be b (If you answered a or c, I really hope this essay will change your mind). Every day, you probably use dozens and dozens and DOZENS of gallons of water. Currently, the state I live in is in a drought, and large companies and farming industries are trading millions of gallons of water for money. Come on people, it’s pieces of PAPER. Anyway, read on.
       When was the last time you had beef? Because that steak/hamburger/hot dog used up around 1,000 gallons of water. Just one cheeseburger is worth enough water to fill up a small swimming pool. And that’s only beef we’re talking about here. I haven’t mentioned any of the other foods, which we haven’t talked about much in class because everyone’s focused on the biggest water waster, the cows.
       It’s not just eating food that pours that water down the drain. Using your everyday bathroom appliances, like a toilet, can be a big water waster too.Flushing a toilet can require larger amounts of water than you think it takes to get rid of yesterday’s dinner. Taking a bath uses 40 gallons of water! Even brushing your teeth can result in wasting water if you brush your teeth for 2 minutes and forget to turn off the tap while you’re brushing.
       Some people say: “Well, how is conserving MY water going to affect anything?” My response: “Water isn’t infinite. We have a limited supply. Conserving your water can leave water for your descendants. Imagine YOU had very rare access to clean water because your ancestors had two hour long showers and stuff like that(Gee, thanks, Grandma!).Also, it could cut your water bill pretty largely.
      In conclusion, every day you may use hundreds of gallons of water while others in the world do not have access to that privilege. You can help by:
                a.eating less beef
                b.go to and start a fundraiser
                c.take shorter showers and less baths
               d.flush the toilet less
I know that last one sounds a bit gross, but my solution is just not to look in your toilet in the first place.
/B.E.E.F\ Beef.Extreme.Evil.Found
by Dark shadow 13.0 aqua
  Why is global warming at large? Cows! This paper shall explain why, and also teach you about that matter. Because where it starts, you can help stop the water crisis, and because you may want to cut your beef consuming rate down.
  Beef is bad due to where it starts. Cows. Cows take up lots of space. And lots of water. And cows also release methane, a greenhouse gas. So much so, that it takes 28% more land and 11% more water than other animals. So, “Really, there’s no question about it, reduce beef whenever possible,” are the wise words of professor Gidon Eshel, not just because of the land use, the water use, and the release of methane, but because you can.
You can help the water crisis by trying out the “Vegan ‘Till 6” plan where you don’t eat any animal products until 6:00, or the “Meatless Mondays” where you (obviously) don’t eat meat on Monday. Or, you can just eat beef once in a while. Or, you can go totally VEGAN. ‘Cause, you can. And plus, some rich, vegan guy called Richard Branson said “I never feel like I’m missing out on anything.” He means it too.
Some person out there is probably like: So? Not like if I stop eating beef it’s gonna make a difference.  Well, if you do it for a while, (and maybe get some friends to do it too) those down at the farms will eventually be like, ‘Hey, people aren’t getting our beef anymore, maybe we shouldn’t raise as many cows!’ And that’ll do it. Less beef raising. BOOM.  Others may say: Well, beef is filling, so how will you get full without using TONS of water? Well, there’s other foods, like tofu, bread, and pastas. (Soy plants and wheat don’t release gases, and therefore don’t release methane.) Really. There are such things as filling foods that aren’t beef.
  These are my reasons why one should cut down on beef. ‘Cause beef comes from water-wasting, land-occupying, methane-releasing, cattle. And, it is by far better to not eat beef, than to feel guilty eating it. It may also be a better lifestyle overall. No doubt about it.
Save Water
by Maxen Cheese

Help me ! Its a crisis !
Have you ever thought of how limited clean water is on our Earth? Well I sure have, and this is supposed to make all water wasters to stop the mess!
We were going to McDonald’s for dinner, until I thought of what I learned in Science… “8 ounces of steak uses 1000 gallons (5000 L) of water!”... I’ll just take french fries…
I am convinced to save water whenever it is possible. And I sure hope I can convince you to help save the world.

Reason One: Water Crisis
One reason is that water is limited. Only 2% of the water in our world is fresh, and only 30% of that water is easily accessible. Some people have to walk many miles to get water, which isn’t even clean, full of bacteria and garbage, which makes them sick, dehydrates them, and even can kill them. Here we are, wasting water like it's barely a problem.

Reason Two: Drought Alert !
Another reason to save water is that most of the western states are in a drought! A drought is when you don’t have rain or water for a very long time. Wasting water isn’t helping at all.
Most water wasters are farmers. Take beef for example, 8 oz of red meat takes 1000 or more gallons of water! So maybe stop going for the hamburgers.
Reason three: Not fair…  
You get your water from the tap right? Some people have to walk MILES just to get a bucket of bad water, water infected by the dump and bacteria. Doing that takes a lot of time, so they don’t have time to go to school. So if you’re reading this now, you’re lucky, not everyone has the water or food or money. That’s why helps people all over the world have clean water. You can donate to them to help too!  
So I hope you have empathy for these poor people. There is a link on our blog going to, please donate! 17$ (about 15 euros) and you can save one person! My classmates and I are trying to save water, I hope you will too. Our Earth gives us water, but we only have a limited amount, we must treat it like diamond, precious and limited.
Beef is Bad
By Garfield :D
If you think watering your lawn and taking a shower is bad for the environment, look at beef. it takes 1,000 gallons to make 8 oz of beef.8 OZ, PEOPLE!!! If you are a vegetarian like me, good for you!!! If not…...I hope this paragraph changes your mind.
Producing red meat wastes A LOT of water. First of all, you have to water the grass that the cow eats. Then you also have to give the cow water to drink. AFTER THAT, you have to slaughter it, and you use a couple more hundreds of gallons to clean it up. EVEN AFTER THAT, you have to use about 340 gallons of water to get it processed. That takes about 1,000 gallons of water to make 8 oz of steak. If I did not know better, I would think their bosses said:

  1. Use 100 gallons of water
  2. Use 200 gallons of water
  3. Use 400 gallons of water
  4. Use 200 gallons of water
  5. Yaaaaaay!we just wasted 1,000 gallons of water just for the heck of it!!

Imagine a swimming pool say……………….10 feet deep,  12 feet long, 11 feet wide. Then someone goes and dumps it all out. Why, you ask? For one hamburger patty. not five, not four, not three, not two, one! ONE!! ONE!!!
File:Swimming Pool T.S.
You need more cows for more beef, right? Well...cows….well they…...pass gas. And cow gas releases methane, a gas that is adding to global warming. if we release too much methane into our atmosphere, we will be just like Mars. Dry, blank, dead. If we stop eating beef, the farmers will say “Oh, no one is eating our products, we shouldn’t have so many cows.” This proves we can make a difference, but it will have to be a real team effort.

In conclusion, we should not eat beef, as you have read, and cows (and their gas) are bad for civilization.
Eat Less Beef
by Anonymous

Do you think beef is good? Well I think not. I think beef is bad for the environment. It wastes a bunch of water. Now maybe you're thinking, well what's wrong with that? Well we only have a finite amount number of water. So in this writing I will try to convince you to that you should eat less beef. I will give you reasons to think that beef wastes water. 1 reason is that it waste a bunch of water. Number 2 is that its one of the reasons for global warming. 3 is that it takes a lot of land.

Beef is bad for the environment. This is because 1 eight ounce steak uses hundreds of gallons of water. How? Well first to get the steak you have to feed it grass and you have to water the grass. Next you have to let the cow drink water, and you also use lots of water during the part when making and cooking the stake. One way we can help is that we should eat less steak. We need to save water not just because its good for the environment, but also for that we are in a really big drought.

The next reason we shouldn't eat beef that much is that its bad for the air. When cows pass gas they release greenhouse gas. Their gas has methane in them, and other bad chemicals for the air. The chemicals trap the heat on the earth so it gets hotter and have less water. One way we can help is eat less beef so the company will slow down and eventually it will not make beef, so less greenhouse gas.

Another reason is that cows take a lot of land, which is bad for the environment. One reason is that beef uses 28 times more land than other products. Another reason is that cow need time run around and gets some fresh air, and most farms have lots of cows. So altogether it takes a lot of land, and it bad for the environment

In conclusion, I think that beef wastes a lot of water, because it wastes a bunch of water and it also makes the environment hotter and it takes a lot of land. Some people might say that its not going to make a difference but I say it will count in the long run. If we keep doing this then eventually it will make a difference, because then the people will stop making it and eventually  we will be wasting less water.  I think that beef should only be eaten sometimes.

Friday, May 1, 2015


I’m a student at Berkeley Arts Magnet and we 5th graders are doing a fundraiser for water. I never knew that red meat could waste a lot of California water (our precious water.) Yes steak is good but it wastes a lot of water. Facts say when you eat steak you waste 1000 gallons of water each time you eat it. I think that we should help our earth by saving water and donate to, which is a website that helps people who doesn’t have access to clear fine earth water.

One way we can save water is by eating steak less of the time. This is because when people eat steak, it uses that 1000 gallons of water that comes from the grass which then the cows eat, then they get the grass to grow so the cows can be healthy. So be helpful and don’t eat as much of steak but chicken and other foods like beans and lentils.

Also we are in a drought and if you waste THOUSANDS of water do you know what will happen, we will not be able to drink, or have enough water to wash our hands.

Less than 2% of earth’s water supply is fresh water and if you are an average family of four then you guys uses 881 gallons of water per week just by flushing the toilet.

Well this is a great time to talk about our fundraiser on We are doing a challenge for saving water by asking people if they would pay $5 for doing a challenge, like eating less meat or taking short baths (showers too). You can go to our fundraiser on or you can donate and every time you donate it goes to and help children that die from water accesses. You can do this challenge at your home.
I hope you liked this essay and make sure to help and save water & think about the boys and girls in the world who don’t have clean safe water.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Eat Less Beef to Help Save Water
by Potato Awesomeness

Help! California is wasting water! Can you help our beautiful state save water? You can stop eating steak. Steak uses lots of water. I think that we should not eat a lot of meat because its bad for the earth.

My first reason why you should eat less meat is that eating red meat wastes water. A steak takes over 1,000 gallons of water to make. About 10 hamburgers equals a year of showering with water. Really there’s no question about it, reduce beef. We are wasting the water that California needs.

Another reason that we should not eat a lot of meat is that when cows pass gas, they release methane into the air. We can’t stop that but we can stop eating beef, which makes restaurants stop buying beef, which make farmers stop having many cows, so many cows can’t have babies, so that many cows can’t pass gas (because they would not be alive).That would help stop pollution.
Red meat has more calories than many other foods. So if you cut it out of your meal, you will have to eat a lot of veggies, which uses lots of water too. However even if you account for calories beef wastes the most water. Beans, chicken, and tofu are better choices.

Now you know how beef takes too much water, so you can do your part. I hope I inspired you to go save water.
Save Water by Eating Less Beef
by Genevieve Lydia Jasper

Imagine you’ve just walked into a fancy restaurant. You order a steak. A big, juicy steak. A gigantic, humongous, filled-with-juices steak.
Well, there goes 1000 gallons. Of water. Yup. Out the door. Down the drain.
See, to raise all the meat that’s on your plate, water had to be used. A lot of water, in fact. Raising the cow’s food, giving the cow water, for as long as it lives- well, that’s not going to be a few cups.  Raising so many cows is really impacting the environment. For instance, California is in a drought. Basically that means that we are not getting rain or snow, and we are running out of water. Now we are using up all of groundwater- kind of like our backup stores. Soon we may have no water left… And that’s not even all of it. Cows release methane, which is a greenhouse gas, basically polluting our environment.  If we took beef out of our diets, we could really be helping our environment.
Beef actually uses 11 times more water than other animals. For instance, it takes 1,000 or more gallons of water to make a half-pound steak. Think of the gallons of milk you see at the grocery store- then multiply that by 1000. Still saying “yes” to beef? Well, you shouldn’t be. Beef is using more water than we have to use, what with the little snow and rainfall this year. Seriously though. We are in a DROUGHT, people! It’s save water or be without! And, to me, the latter is NOT an option!
Another reason is that cows release methane, which is a greenhouse gas. (Yes, I do mean by passing gas.) Animal agriculture is responsible for ⅕ of the gas emissions worldwide. And that is including factories, cars, everything. This is a problem. By raising so many cows we are polluting the earth and causing global warming. This is doing terrible things to our environment. It’s melting the ice caps and causing floods. All because of COWS! It is the time to reduce red meat consumption!
Some people might say that red meat is more filling than other foods, so we’re going to have to eat so many other foods that the water will be about the same. However, even if you account for calories, beef is still wasting water. A lot of water. Beans, tofu, and chicken are much better choices.
I’m not saying you need to go completely cold turkey on red meat. But try and cut back at least on beef and steak, don’t eat too many hamburgers or too much steak. Give yourself limits. Try things out. Try to work with it. Think how much water you’ll be saving! I really don’t like making people feel guilty or telling them how to live their life. But in this case it is an emergency! Give it a little thought, I beg you. Try and save our planet!

Save Water
by Olaf
We should save water whenever its possible, because of the
drought in California and the lack of water in Africa and other places. Whenever you have a chance to save water then do it if it’s possible. Water is not something that we have lots of. We have droughts all over the world, and some droughts can turn into a big fire and when there is a big fire we waste a lot of water.

When you turn on the faucet always turn it off if you’re not using it,
and if you are turning on the faucet to wash your hands then try to turn it off when you are putting soap on your hands, and also do this whenever you’re brushing your teeth. If you get water to drink and there  is still some left in the cup, you should save it for another time to drink it. And whenever washing dishes, don’t just let the faucet run. The average of water that Americans use per day is about 140-170 gallons. A full bathtub is about 36 gallons.

Many places don’t have enough water, and water is not easy to get.
Los Angeles and Africa don’t have enough water. In Africa the girls have to go get water, which means that they can’t go to school. Sometimes the girls and women have to walk for miles to get water. In Africa they don’t have clean water like we do. In Los Angeles they don’t have that problem, but the problem they have is that it is very dry down there. And people in Africa don’t have the materials to clean the water like in America. People in Africa die every year because the water is dirty and might have all sorts of diseases in the water.

Don’t just waste water for fun, because water is important to all of
us. Water is something that we can’t make. Our water comes from the sky when it is raining. Water is also important because water is something that we need basically everyday.

Water is something that we need, we need water to drink everyday. Every time you take a shower try to make it short. And every time you take a shower you use lots of gallons of water. In Africa they don’t have materials for cleaning water. They get sick and gets diarrhea because the water is dirty and might have all sorts of diseases, and then gets sick and die because the water isn’t clean. Now I hope you know why we should save water.

Save Water and Help the Earth
by Best Surgeon Ever!

When I was in science class one day I was learning about water problems around the world. I learned that I was wasting water just by eating a hamburger. Just by eating beef we're wasting 1000 gallons of water per steak. I felt really guilty. It takes 250 gallons to water a backyard grass-- imagine a farm yard? That cows eat the grass all the time, that needs to be watered every two times a day. When the cows eat the grass it sets off a methane and a greenhouse gas. Wow thats sad. Also in other places like Africa the women don’t go to school because they have to help home. When they help home they walk 10 miles where the nearest wells are and the water is not even clean. So they get a lot of sicknesses and diarrhea because of the dirty water. They lose a lot of water and die. We have to stop wasting water and instead help the environment.

There are lots of farmers in the world, and they all use a lot of water for their cows. They use 1000 gallons once every two days. So is it worth it for a hamburger? Because the earth is where we live and we can’t make more water. As lots of people say the water is the center of our earth. The cows also cause the air that we breathe some trouble to us. The cows eat the grass and it goes though there body and it comes out in their gas. It is methane and greenhouse gas. It is not healthy for us to breathe. Thats one of the things that wastes water.

All the way across the Pacific Ocean, in Africa, children are thirsty and dying of
diarrhea.The girls don’t get an education because they have to help at home. When they help at homes they have to hold a bucket on there head and get dents because of that. They walk ten miles to get it.  They burn they feet on the sun and there skin from the sun. You may ask why do the do all this thing for. In America just turn on the fountain it is that easy, but in Africa you have to do all these things. The water they drink is not even clean. They have animal droppings in the water. Because of that they get a stomach ache or diarrhea. And since they get diarrhea that means they lose a lot of water. When they lose a lot of water there body won’t be hydrated a lot and they’ll die.

Africa is not the only place that does not have enough water. It’s all over the world and you can help, too. One way to help is try to not eat meat. Another one is try not to eat meat until six o’clock every day or only on special occasions. Another way is to use less water and you can do that by using the dishwasher instead of washing dishes by hand, or not letting the faucet run. There are also people helping in Africa build more wells. For more ways to help is to go to

Now you know how water is being wasted. I hope now after you have read this
paper I hope you will be more careful about wasting water. Now get out there and make a change! Water is not something that you can make. It is the center of our earth! A small thing can make a big difference when we all work together!!!
Eat Less Beef                        
by  The wet Weasley Water Warrior of Wisconsin
Imagine you go into a restaurant and you order a steak.It tastes good, right?But thousands of gallons of water have gone into its production. I think we should eat less red meat because it is bad for the environment.
         Raising cows for beef uses 28 times more land and 11 times more water as other animal products. It takes about 1,300 gallons of water for one 8 ounce steak. This is important because California is in a large drought and does not have the water to use on all of the cows. This means that eating less beef would help a lot.           
         Cows also happen to produce a lot of methane, a greenhouse gas. They give off methane from their manure and when they pass gas. This shows that raising a lot of cows is bad for the environment. Gidon Eshel, a professor, told the Huffington Post,¨Really, there’s no question about it. Reduce beef whenever possible.¨

          Some people say that by the time you order steak, so much water has already been wasted that it doesn’t matter if you eat it. However, I would argue that if we cut back on red meat, farmers would eventually stop raising as many cows with the effect of less greenhouse gases and less water wasted.

          In conclusion, I believe that we should eat less red meat because it uses a lot more land and water than other animal products and releases a lot of greenhouse gas. Some ways to reduce red meat are Meatless Mondays, when you don’t eat meat on Mondays, and “vegan till 6”, where you don’t eat animal products till after 6:00.

by Beautiful

In science I learned that in many places people don't have access to clean water and it causes them to get sick and some people die from dirty water. I think we should save water because we don't have that much water.

There are a lot of people who dont have water, like Africa and other places. Women and children around the world spend 140 million hours a day collecting water. 1 in 9 people lacks access safe water. This data shows that we have to save as much water as we can so people in other places can have clean water.

In California we have a big drought which means that we don't have that much rain. Farmers cannot grow their crops and rivers and lakes are low. So we all need to save water because farmers need to grow food for us to eat and they cant do that without water.

There are many ways we can save water. For example, turning off the water when you are brushing or washing your hands, using shower water to flush the toilet, and not letting water go down the drain when you can use it to water plant or something else.

In conclusion, there are a lot of people who don't have water like Africa and other places. In California we have a big drought which means that we don't  have that much rain. There are so many ways to save water like turn off water when you are brushing or washing your hands.

Carnivores, Cut Down on the Steak
by Dead camel 1139
             As you may already know, meat takes a lot of water to produce, but one of the meats that take up the most water to make is steak. So, this essay will be about why you should not eat as much red meat. I think that all of you “carnivores” out there should seriously cut down on the steak. I think that we should eat less meat because it makes the drought worse.

One reason NOT to eat as much meat, is that you don’t waste as much water, because just one 8 oz. steak wastes about 1,000 gallons of water. When you are raising the cows, you have to water the grass to feed the cows, and you have to slaughter the cows. We shouldn’t kill this many cows because California has been in a drought for about four years. Also, it won't hurt you if you eat a little bit less meat than you usually do! Many people that have tried this said that they still felt great. Business mogul, Richard Branson was quoted saying, “I never feel like I’m missing out on anything”. I guess also if you ate too much meat, you would be as round and plump as a balloon. That sort of proves that eating too much meat is not that good for you, but also horrible for the earth.

        Some people may say that beef is worth the water, but I would say no, it’s risking our water supplies, and plus, food and water are both important. Some people may say that the drought doesn’t matter to them because they have plenty of water left, but then I would say that it matters to other people that don’t have as much water, they could die because they have such polluted water, and so little of it.

      Altogether I think that it is important that we should save as much water as possible, because we are currently in a drought. Not everybody understands that water doesn’t magically appear, but I hope that you now understand how precious it really is.
by Hope #2

In science we learned that people use about 20-40 gallons of water per day. I was surprised that we use a lot of water. I think we should save water for many reasons. People don’t have access to water in other places. Also, in California we are having a drought. There are many easy ways to save water.

Many people around the world don’t  have access to water. Like for example in Africa and some other countries. According to, if you add all the women and children all around the world it adds up with 140 million hours a day of collecting water. 1 in 9 people lack access to safe  water. This shows that people don’t have access to water around  the world, and that we should save water. In my science class we are trying to raise money to give water to people that don't have access to water.

In California we have a big drought which means that we don’t have that much rain. Farmers cannot grow their crops and lakes and rivers are low. So we all need to save water because farmers need to grow food for us to eat and they cannot  do it without water.

There are many easy ways to save water, like for example use shower water to flush or water plants.  Don’t run the faucet when washing dishes and hands, and save water by closing the faucet if not using. Because people are wasting too much water and it is bad for  the environment.

That is why we should save water whenever possible, to keep the environment healthy. When you take a long shower, remember how much water it used up.

In conclusion, I think we should save water because  people don't have access to water in other places and there are easy ways to save water.