The Purpose of the Blog

In California, we are in the middle of a drought. Our water uses are too much for the minimal rain and snowfalls over the past four years. The snowpack is our main water supply and has been below average for four consecutive years. If we keep using the amount of water we are using now, we will completely run out. We are currently using our groundwater, kind of like our backup storage.

To tell the truth, farms are using up most of our water supply, and by raising so much livestock, we waste water, land and we pollute the earth. Cows create methane, which is a greenhouse gas. Animal agriculture is responsible for ⅕ of the gas emissions worldwide. This is a problem that we need to fix.

In science class, we have been learning about water around the world, and how hard it is for people in many places to access clean water, which leads to health problems. Also, many girls around the world are responsible for getting water for their families, which often means walking for hours each day, and missing out on opportunities for education. We are doing a fundraiser for, an organization that helps people around the world access clean water. This is why we are writing this blog: To educate the public about water, in California and around the world!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Save Water
by Olaf
We should save water whenever its possible, because of the
drought in California and the lack of water in Africa and other places. Whenever you have a chance to save water then do it if it’s possible. Water is not something that we have lots of. We have droughts all over the world, and some droughts can turn into a big fire and when there is a big fire we waste a lot of water.

When you turn on the faucet always turn it off if you’re not using it,
and if you are turning on the faucet to wash your hands then try to turn it off when you are putting soap on your hands, and also do this whenever you’re brushing your teeth. If you get water to drink and there  is still some left in the cup, you should save it for another time to drink it. And whenever washing dishes, don’t just let the faucet run. The average of water that Americans use per day is about 140-170 gallons. A full bathtub is about 36 gallons.

Many places don’t have enough water, and water is not easy to get.
Los Angeles and Africa don’t have enough water. In Africa the girls have to go get water, which means that they can’t go to school. Sometimes the girls and women have to walk for miles to get water. In Africa they don’t have clean water like we do. In Los Angeles they don’t have that problem, but the problem they have is that it is very dry down there. And people in Africa don’t have the materials to clean the water like in America. People in Africa die every year because the water is dirty and might have all sorts of diseases in the water.

Don’t just waste water for fun, because water is important to all of
us. Water is something that we can’t make. Our water comes from the sky when it is raining. Water is also important because water is something that we need basically everyday.

Water is something that we need, we need water to drink everyday. Every time you take a shower try to make it short. And every time you take a shower you use lots of gallons of water. In Africa they don’t have materials for cleaning water. They get sick and gets diarrhea because the water is dirty and might have all sorts of diseases, and then gets sick and die because the water isn’t clean. Now I hope you know why we should save water.

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