The Purpose of the Blog

In California, we are in the middle of a drought. Our water uses are too much for the minimal rain and snowfalls over the past four years. The snowpack is our main water supply and has been below average for four consecutive years. If we keep using the amount of water we are using now, we will completely run out. We are currently using our groundwater, kind of like our backup storage.

To tell the truth, farms are using up most of our water supply, and by raising so much livestock, we waste water, land and we pollute the earth. Cows create methane, which is a greenhouse gas. Animal agriculture is responsible for ⅕ of the gas emissions worldwide. This is a problem that we need to fix.

In science class, we have been learning about water around the world, and how hard it is for people in many places to access clean water, which leads to health problems. Also, many girls around the world are responsible for getting water for their families, which often means walking for hours each day, and missing out on opportunities for education. We are doing a fundraiser for, an organization that helps people around the world access clean water. This is why we are writing this blog: To educate the public about water, in California and around the world!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Beef: The Worst Offender       
by Rachel

     Beef is one of the worst offenders to our California drought. To produce 8 ounces of beef, farmers waste thousands of gallons of water.  We should not eat beef because it wastes so much water and cows pollute the earth. In this essay you will learn why we should not eat beef.
    Beef comes from cows. Cows use thousands of gallons of water and they produce greenhouse gases. They, just as any other animal, pass gas. Cow gases are worst for the environment because they contain methane. Large amounts of it. This gas gets trapped in the atmosphere and does not let heat escape. That is one reason why we have global warming.

      Every meat product wastes water! Every hamburger has beef, about 4 ounces of it. Well to raise those cows, to water the fields, to feed and bathe them in the process, 8 ounces of beef takes about 1232 gallons of water.  Some people say that we should eat more beef because it’s healthy. However I say kids should get their nutrients partially from beef and they can get the rest by eating tofu.

      Beef, the bloody, yucky, and slimy meat everyone likes to eat is by far one of the worst offenders to California’s drought. Beef takes up more than 28 times the land to make, and 11 times the water to produce as any other meat products. It also produces 5 times the greenhouse gases.

   There are many ways to save water. You can try being “vegan till 6” or Meatless Mondays. Anything you do to save water helps, even if it is small. You can also try to use a dishwasher only when it is fully loaded. You can cut back on beef and water your lawn not everyday but 2 times a week.

    In conclusion, 1 person can’t make a difference but if we can encourage more and more people to use less water, eventually we will run out but it will take much more time to. And hopefully it rains before we run out. We can cut down on beef. Waste less water while doing laundry, washing dishes, and watering our lawns. This is why we should save water and eat less beef.  

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